Sick in Prague
After a ten hour train ride, with us hopping on five different trains, I'm finally in Prague. There was some small difficulty on the last train when the conductor tried to tell us in halting English that our ticket purchased in Germany was no good for the ride from Chem to Prague. Balx and I held our braced for a large fee as he grumbled for a very long 5 minutes before producing the number 26 on a piece of paper. 26 Euros per head? Nope. That was the translation rate of Euros to Czech crowns, our total fine for not purchasing a ticket turned out to be 150 Crowns for the both of us, That's roughly 6 Dollars! A victory in a stresful situation.
Today though, I feel sick. My nose is stuffy and I sneeze every 20 minutes, my throat is constantly dry. We walked around the city for a bit (which is amazing in every way that's been written) before I had to go crash and sleep for most of the day. It's the off season for the Hostel, so that means Balx and I get a full dorm room for a the price of a double at around 7 bucks a day. It's no place to raise children, but it's clean and safe, with an abundence of English speakers form all around the world to share stories over the communial dinner table.
Tomarrow, we're off to take our first look at some apartments to live in about 15 minutes walk from Old Town, the major tourist area. Hopefully it will be all that it's been advertised on the interent and I can have a new place to call home.
When I find some internet that I can connect to with my laptop, I'll see what I can do about posting pics from the last couple of days. I'm taking my vitamins and I've located a nice fuit stand near our Hostel, so I hope to better in few days.
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